DEEP CLEAN DAYYYYYYYY (Pronounced with the same emphasis as “Hump DAYYY”. Just do it- it just sounds cooler and more fun)
I am going to sound like SUCH a nerd. But I have started to actually look forward to deep clean day.
What is this you ask?
Let me explain.
I keep a pretty clean house. Bathrooms, vacuuming, laundry—I can usually stay on top of it. But one day after Ben came home and declared the house was SO messy, two things happened:
- I almost punched him straight in the face
- We instituted deep clean day
What I didn’t know in the moment was that Ben wasn’t talking about the basics. He was looking at the dusty book shelf and oven that needed to be cleaned on the inside. I had honestly never even looked at those things. So we decided that on the first of every month, we would have a deep cleaning day. This day is reserved exclusively for things that don’t get done on a weekly basis. No laundry, bathrooms, or wiping down the counters (although we usually end up doing all these things anyway) but bigger projects are the focus for the day. Reorganizing the linen closet, cleaning the garage, deep cleaning the dishwasher (who knew THAT was a thing!) vacuuming out the car, etc.
At first, I thought that I would come to dread the start of each new month. But it’s actually been the exact opposite. I look forward to the 1st day of the month because it makes me feel like I have my life TOGETHER. I have a day carved out and dedicated to doing the things that usually slip through the cracks. I love it. It also helps me not feel overwhelmed during the busyness of regular life. I couldn’t handle it if I was always trying to squish in MORE chores into my daily routine. I’m the type of person who tends to go big or go home. If I’m going to scrub the kitchen floor, I might as well do the bathroom floors…and I should probably get the carpet cleaner out while I’m at it… and I guess I should just get the carpets out of the way and do the carpets from the car too… and I should probably wash the car while I’m at it.
You get what I mean. I tend to either go overboard or ignore the task altogether. So this set up is the perfect solution to my never ending to do list.
I have also found that I am able to have a better understanding of what needs to be done around the house. I know that last month I cleaned the stoves burner covers and organized the kitchen cabinets, and went through that random drawer in the kitchen (you know you have one- don’t EVEN lie to me right now), so this month, I can focus on something else entirely without feeling like I’m neglecting certain areas of the house.
On regular weeks, I am able to relax. I can give myself a “pass” to not cram as much cleaning as possible into my schedule… because it’s already on my list! Woo! And on top of that, Ben knows deep cleaning day is the first. So he is able to be thinking as it approaches on what stuff he wants to focus on too.
The end result? A clean house, and no one even had to get punched to make it happen. That is what I call success.
What are your favorite ways to stay organized? Have you found a method that keeps you sane and clean all in one? Share below what works for you!
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