Yesterday I watched an Albert Einstein documentary… and GRANTED I fell asleep through mosttttt of it, (don’t judge me- I’m growing a human/ the theory of relativity is SUPER boring) it’s the effort that counts. Right?
Anyways… I woke up and pretended like I was following along. I didn’t learn a thing.
Actually- that’s not true. I learned that Albert married his first cousin. (WHAT? Had they led with this fact- I might have been more interested and inclined to stay awake.) Anyways, I have a feeling that’s not the impact and takeaway the writers were going for. My bad.
But I watched as this lady talked about gravity and her smile spread across her entire face. I’m serious, her eyes were so bright and she looked SO happy. It made me realize:
First off- I will just never be a person who could EVER have an exciting conversation about gravity. It’s just not my jam. They could discover a hidden power switch in the White House that lets us turn gravity on and off at our leisure and I would still be only mildly interested. Terrified definitely, but not interested.
And Secondly- How cool is that! No, not gravity. But how cool is it that the creator of the universe was on His GAME enough to know that people like the smiling gravity researcher would need to be EXTRA enthused to make up for the people like me that couldn’t watch a 40 minute documentary. I bet she isn’t half as interested as I am in learning the most efficient workout for moms with toddlers, or how to meal prep for my family so that they are eating good food, all the time, without spending days in the kitchen. But that’s what is so freaking cool. We would be in a bad spot if all people ONLY cared about health and nutrition, and we would be in a boring spot if all the people in the world only cared about gravity.
I don’t know guys, maybe I am weird (confirmed, I am super weird) but I am so excited by this because it reminds me that there is a place for all of us. It is so dang easy to overlook your own passions and interests because they aren’t big enough, or noble enough, or come attached to a big fancy salary like someone else’s. There have been so many times when I am like “Dang Tor, If you could suddenly become interested in Chemical Engineering, that would be super helpful to the bank account situation”. But in order to maintain balance in this universe- we gotta all commit to being ok with being excited about what is exciting to US. Not to our neighbors, or local news anchor, or favorite Instagram follower- but to US.
I follow a lady on Instagram and she has created a business of making budgeting for a family easy and fun. At first I was like… “well that’s dumb”. And THEN I got sucked into the Instagram vortex and looked at virtually everything she has ever posted- ever- and was like, DANG. How cool that she is interested in something that I don’t care about. Because now I don’t have to do all the work to find out how to budget for my growing home- she did it all for me, and she loves it so she makes it fun and interesting. She is having a great time doing something she loves, and I am able to easily learn about something that doesn’t come naturally too me. ALL BECAUSE she was ok with being excited about what was exciting to her.
I am one hundred percent writing this blog to myself- because I am in a place in my life where I see other people living differently than me and it makes me wonder if I should switch lanes and follow the same track they’re on. I feel like 90 percent of my time working on a project or new idea is spent on talking myself into and then out of it, and then into it again. Or comparing what I’m doing to what someone else is doing.
But ya know what- we were given the interests and talents and inspirations that we have for a reason.
Because the lady that studies gravity NEEDS the knowledge and impact and inspiration that I bring just as much as I NEED her to keep studying gravity so I don’t have to. It’s ok for her to stay in her lane and for me to be in a completely different lane, heck a different HIGHWAY, altogether. Because with each of us carving out a different path and direction we have access to SO much more of the world.
So if you take away one thing let it be this:
Albert Einstein married his first cousin. And if you promise to stay excited about the things you’re excited about- I will too.
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